Saturday, January 2, 2010

The use of long tail keyword searches will rise (Prediction #1)

According to Marketing Charts, Searches containing five to more than eight words in length increased significantly among US users in fall 2009. Searches with one word amounted to 18.6% of all queries during the same time period (-2.3% compared to 2008). 

It is hard to find some consolidated data for 2009 but it’s pretty obvious Internet users are getting more sophisticated at using search engines, and have learnt to make use of longer keyword.  What does this mean for Search Engine Marketers? 

Increased customer targeting and more sophisticated campaign builder tool such as SpeedPPC will help us design more granular campaigns. Campaigns that only run a hundreds keywords or less will not only become less relevant but also very expensive to maintain. As Cost-Per-Click increases year over year, less sophisticated advertisers will see their ROI decrease. 

The good news is more resources (including a revamped Google AdWords learning center) will be available for Pay-Per-Click novice advertisers to jump on the longer tail keyword bandwagon. And those who don’t have the resources to launch ten to hundred thousand keyword campaign might consider outsourcing to Search Engine Marketing agencies. 


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